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Gruv Gear Welcomes Bassist Mark Peric As Artist Endorser

California music accessories brand Gruv Gear is proud to feature Bassist Mark Peric. Mark is part of a family of prominent world-class musicians that heartily endorse Gruv Gear products.

While he was in year 10 at high school, Mark went to his local church's music auditions. Someone had heard that he could play piano and put his name forward. It was quickly apparent that his handful of lessons didn't really qualify him as a candidate, so he was thrust onto the bass to "have a go."

What was almost a mistake turned out to be a defining moment for the then 15-year-old. He was shown how to play the songs for the meeting that night and ended up playing that night and every week after that for the next five years. Although an unexpected entry into music, it was meant to be and Mark has excelled in his craft and is now considered one of the best in his field and has toured the world multiple times over the last decade and has had the opportunity to tour and play with many great musicians including James Morrison, Victor Wooten, Guy Sebastian and many more local Australian artists. He currently plays with Planetshakers who tour on a regular basis.

About Gruv Gear:
Gruv Gear exists to bring innovative and well-thought out products to creative professionals and beyond, including career musicians, DJs, photographers, filmmakers, mobile producers and more. The company is on- track not only to become a premium lifestyle accessories brand in the Music/DJ and Photo Industries, which is a small fraction of its potential market, but also expand to a broader range of industries that will increase its global footprint exponentially. To date, Gruv Gear products are sold in 5 continents and shipped directly to adoring fans worldwide.

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