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Gruv Gear Welcomes Bassist Jayme Lewis from Los Angeles As Artist Endorser

California music accessories brand Gruv Gear is proud to feature Bassist Jayme Lewis. Jayme is part of a family of prominent world-class musicians that heartily endorse Gruv Gear products.

Jayme Lewis is a Los Angeles bass player, producer, author, and educator. He discovered the bass when his father introduced him to the iconic bass masterpiece School Days, by Stanley Clarke, at the age of seven. Graduating in 2008 from California State University of Northridge with a Bachelor's Degree in Music, Jayme began a career as a sideman in LA, having played with numerous artists from around the country and cutting his teeth in the studio tracking cues for Disney and Nickelodeon.

Jayme has always had a passion for education, and after establishing his family owned music school, the Lewis Music Academy, Jayme began offering his services abroad by creating his online bass school LA Bass Lix and releasing aural ear-training courses at Ignite Musical Training. In 2011 he also authored the book Advice for the Modern Worship Musician while touring with worship leaders Matt Bayless and Ben Kolarcik.

Whether he's performing as a sideman or with his own group, The Jayme Lewis Band, you can always catch Jayme sporting a Gruv Gear Fretwrap, Stadium Bag, and V-Cart Solo. Check out more of Jayme at www.jaymelewis.com.

About Gruv Gear:
Gruv Gear exists to bring innovative and well-thought out products to creative professionals and beyond, including career musicians, DJs, photographers, filmmakers, mobile producers and more. The company is on- track not only to become a premium lifestyle accessories brand in the Music/DJ and Photo Industries, which is a small fraction of its potential market, but also expand to a broader range of industries that will increase its global footprint exponentially. To date, Gruv Gear products are sold in 5 continents and shipped directly to adoring fans worldwide.

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