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Gruv Gear Donates Big To Sweet Relief

Source: http://sweetrelief.org/news/gruv-gear-donates-big-sweet-relief/

The amazing folks at Gruv Gear recently donated thousands of their FretWraps String Muters, currently on sale on our eBay store for half-price! We are thankful and excited to have Gruv Gear support what we do at Sweet Relief.

Jay Baldemor, President of Gruv Gear, on the partnership:
"Our team at Gruv Gear is super proud to support such a great cause from the even more amazing people at Sweet Relief! We donated $21,000 worth of our best-selling FretWraps String Muters used by thousands of guitarists and bassists around the world, to aid Sweet Relief in their efforts to raise funds for musicians in need. We’ll be working more closely together on upcoming events and opportunities for artists and fans alike to be involved in this “sweet” mission!"

About FretWraps:
Gruv Gear FretWraps is a professional string dampener / muting accessory that every studio, session player, and tapping aficionado should have! Slide on a FretWrap to effectively cut overtones and sympathetic resonance during recording, live performance, two-hand tapping, or any creative situation where you need that extra muting hand for cleaner takes without the unwanted string noise or ringing. The adjustable strap lets you fine-tune the pressure and dampening of the strings. Quickly slides over the headstock when not in use. No special guitar modification, installation, or tools required – Yet amazingly effective! See the product at http://www.gruvgear.com/fretwraps

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