An unforgettable experience!
Another one for the Gruv Gear history books. We enjoyed multiple genres, instruments and age groups! Absolutely a night we won’t forget.

Our latest Logo Tees feature the world famous "V" logo on the front and the "Make Life Gruv" mantra on the back. The... Learn more
Definitely the talk of NAMM!!
What a dope show!!
- @torreytacklyn
Me siento muy afortunado de haber podido estar acá!
- @edgar_solorzano
- @edgar_solorzano
Gotta admit.. All 4 One took me back to my high school days!! That was pretty dope!!
- @chuy2489
What a CRAZY night
- @steph1music
Just amazing!
- @jamesochoa
Only at #GruvLive can you see flamenco done like this. Outstanding!
- @bobmakesmusic
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