Jamie-Leigh Schultz was born on June 8, 2003 in Johannesburg South Africa. She moved with her family to Michigan in 2015. Growing up, Jamie was always exposed to music as she washed and listened to her dad play musical instruments at home and at shows around the country. She was always intrigued by the music and one would always find her singing or drumming on anything that could give back sound.
Jamie received her first drum kit at the age of 5 and started her first drum lessons at the age of 6. She has written her drumming exams for grades 1-6 with Rocks school and passed all her exams with distinctions. Jamie is motivated and inspired by her dad, who is her mentor.
Drummers who inspires her are: Sheila E., George Spanky McCurdy, Aaron Spears, Cora Coleman-Dunham, Eric Moore and Vanzella Joy. Her favorite music artist she listens to are: Selena Gomez, Fourplay, Earth Wind and Fire and that’s just to name a few. She is currently taking drum lessons with Eugene McBride
April 2018, Jamie-Leigh won most Popular winner in the “ Hit Like A Girl” contest. She also received a week scholarship to the “Musicians Institute” in Los Angeles. Jamie is currently in a band called: “ The JLS Experience” with her dad and brother.
Playing drums is exciting, entertaining and so much fun for her. Jamie says that music has an amazing ability, it makes her feel more energized.