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Jaden Baker

"Gruv Gear is without a doubt, the most reliable gear based company on this planet! I’ve been able to record sessions using their brand new Dekade series FretWraps, and I’ve also been able to stand up for 2 hour shows using my FABRK strap Dekade Edition and my SoloStrap Neo. Whatever it is you decide to purchase, you won’t be disappointed."

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Jaden Baker has always had an inherent love and appreciation for music. He began making music at the age of 2 and has continued to develop his unique gift. Jaden plays Bass, Drums, Keys, Guitar, Cello, and Trombone. His dedication to honing his craft is unparalleled. He serves as the Music Director for Student Ministries at The Potter’s House of North Dallas. He also travels with Israel Houghton and New Breed.

Jaden has been afforded the opportunity to travel both nationally and internationally to perform for diverse audiences. His dream is to continue to share his gift with people around the world. Jaden lives in Dallas TX with his parents and two younger brothers.

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