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Jack Thomas

Drummer, Guitarist

Gruv Gear has been a game-changer for transporting my gear with ease, comfort, and security. Their products allow me to travel confidently while adding a touch of elegance to every gig. After thousands of miles and countless performances across hundreds of cities, I can say it’s never been easier. I’m truly honored to be part of the Gruv Gear family.

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My name is Jack Thomas. I'm a musician, audio engineer, music producer, and motivational speaker. I've been creating and recording music for over 10 years. I've performed in numerous bands, produced albums for other local bands as well as my own, and have been a session musician for countless music recording projects. I've built an online following of over 100,000 people through my videos of drumming and motivation with millions of views. I strive to use my reach to spread positivity, motivation, and inspiration. On September 4th, 2015, my right arm was torn off at the elbow by a conveyor belt at the recycling plant I was working at. I was in the hospital for only 6 days before being transferred to GF Strong Physical Rehabilitation Centre to regain my strength and relearn how to live. After staying there for just under a month, I was able to go back to school and begin my life again. Despite it being a painful and mentally exhausting first few months learning the most basic tasks, I eventually got back to doing what I loved most - playing music.

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