❄️ NEW Club Bag Frost Edition now shipping! ❄️




“I have always been drawn to Gruv Gear products because they, not only look cool and stylish, but they are great quality and user friendly. The Quivr Drumstick bag with the “quick draw” pockets is a game changer! I love using Gruv Gear for all my instrument needs!”

Recker proudly endorses:

Recker Eans, age 10, is the drummer for ‘The Twits’ and seemed destined to be a rocker at a young age. For his 5th birthday he asked for a drum set and was the youngest student admitted at School of Rock in Arizona. Recker loves music of all genres and is constantly working on his chops. He loves posting live performances on his Instagram and YouTube accounts, but most of all Recker loves to inspire this generation of young rockers to find their passion and rock out. Recker has played music festivals such as, Back to the Beach and Bonanza Campout, he has been featured on numerous TV shows and documentaries, as well as drum magazines and print publications. When not banging on the drums, Recker plays bass guitar, guitar, speaks Chinese and is a normal 8-year-old running around with friends and playing in the dirt. Recker proudly endorses Gruv Gear, SJC Drums, Soultone Cymbals, Rooster Thrones and Tru Tuner.

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