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Ignazio Di Salvo's New Album and Single with Silent Utopia

The latest from Gruv Gear Artist Ignazio Di Salvo:

Hello friends! Today I'm very happy to introduce you my new project called Silent Utopia. We are going to release our album and you can listen to our first single below:

We will compose and release one song each month! If you like our music, you can subscribe to our Patreon page in order to help us to produce all the entire album, being part of the creative process, listen to the songs before their release, have access to special contents, streaming sessions, lessons, merchandising and more!

Just go to: https://www.patreon.com/silentutopia

For me this is a very important creative change, as you may know already, until now I've been mostly a solo musician. This is the project I had in mind to develop since very longtime. I finally can unleash my true soul as songwriter and lyricist. I always enjoy the power of a good song: It goes straight to the heart like nothing else. It's kind of a new challenge for me and I can't hide I'm excited and focused like never before!

In the meantime I'm also composing my second solo album, and you will hear about new instrumental music very soon!

So, enjoy this first song for now, I hope from the bottom of my heart you're gonna love it.

If you do, please don't forget to go to our Patreon Page to be part of this new adventure!

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