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Bass Musician Magazine reviews Gruv Gear's V-Cart Solo

Although I've never done a physical product review, when I brought the V-Cart Solo to the attention of BMM staffers they all agreed? "VERY cool. Hey, you should write about it!". Although I normally would've declined and passed the buck, I just LOVE this cart and figured, who better to tell you about it!

"One of our main goals as a company is to innovate with any product we decide to pursue," says Jay Baldemor, Founder and CEO of GRUV GEAR. "We aim to bring products and accessories to the market that address certain "gaps" and not just be a "me too" type of company."

Jay has definitely hit the mark here. This is not just another cool and light-weight way of toting gear, this is bar-none the coolest, best designed, well thought-out and most functional cart on the market (and I've tried most every one). It really does make the shlepping part of the gig a breeze. Even with stairs, when used as a standard hand-truck (or Dolly) the cart excels at both stability and ease of use.

Basically, the cart begins folded in a compact and easy to carry form and unfolds into any one of three positions.

4-Wheel Tilted "V" Mode

This most maneuverable mode allows you to weave through crowds and tight spots while pulling your heavy gear, even with just one finger! Two tilt angle options were carefully considered for optimal balance and handle position, so the V-Cart can do most of the work. For many speaker cabinets, it's a simple scoop-and-go operation and you're out the door quicker than the rest of the band!

4-Wheel Flat Platform Mode

Designed to accommodate players who prefer to keep their gear in an upright position (e.g. sensitive tube amps, drum cases, etc.), the platform mode offers a versatile alternative to hauling your equipment, while maintaining the same short wheelbase for tight turns and pivots. The entire frame of the V-Cart is built using 1" steel tubing for uncompromised strength, and unlike other rickety carts out there with telescoping platforms, it minimizes weak points and cumbersome operation found on carts having excessive moving parts.

2-Wheel Classic Dolly Mode

A must-have for lighter loads, climbing steps, or needing to push the V-Cart forward, this indispensable mode allows for quick trips from your car to the stage without skipping a beat!

I'm personally a fan of the Tilted "V-Mode". You really can navigate streets, sidewalks, curbs, in between tables, you name it.. with complete ease and control. Even on patchy grass and uneven surfaces. This baby is SOLID and I honestly never go to a gig without it. Even with my small amp for restaurant style gigs, it's just easier than carrying anything and saves my fingers (and back).

Check out the website for more information.

I also sat down with Jay while in LA and he showed me some of the other products coming down the pike and what's in the works and I can tell you, these guys are thorough and well thought out! You can bet that any product they release will be more than ready and thoroughly tested. I was very impressed.

See original article on Bass Musician Magazine

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