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Gruv Gear Donates Over $53K Of Products To High School Nation

California-based music accessories brand Gruv Gear has announced that it is teaming up with High School Nation for its 60-city Festival Tour for 2017. Gruv Gear has donated a few hundred of its popular VIBE backpacks to the organization to further their efforts in keeping the arts and music programs alive in high schools throughout the nation.

“Enhancing arts and music is part of our mission,” says Jay Baldemor, President and Founder of Gruv Gear. “Our involvement is very important to us. High School Nation is doing a great job providing an opportunity for brands like ours to interact with the students in a way the kids want to be treated.”

During the Festival Tour, High School Nation will take over football stadiums on each of the campuses and present a two-hour concert and events that will celebrate the arts in public schools.  In addition to music, the Festival supports journalism, film, fine and performing arts, fashion, photography, and stage production.

“Our goal is to establish a relationship between teens, emerging recording artists and consumer product brands that ultimately benefits one of the first areas to be cut when budgets come under pressure; music and the arts,” says Jimmy Cantillon, CEO and co-founder of High School Nation. “At the center of our festivals are performances by some of the music industry’s hottest young rising stars. It’s one of the only opportunities for record labels and consumer products companies to come together to entertain, engage, and give back.” 

Corporate sponsorships are coming from over a dozen corporations including Sparkling ICE, Guitar Center, Crayola, truth and Mars. Pepsico, Microsoft, and Sony have all participated in past tours. Gruv Gear joins the mix in 2017 to help further the cause.


About Gruv Gear
Gruv Gear exists to bring innovative and well-thought out products to creative professionals and beyond, including career musicians, DJs, photographers, filmmakers, mobile producers and more. The company is on-track not only to become a premium lifestyle accessories brand in the Music and Photo Industries, which is a small fraction of its potential market, but also expand to a broader range of industries that will increase its global footprint exponentially. To date, Gruv Gear is distributed in over 30 countries and shipped directly to adoring fans worldwide.

Learn more about Gruv Gear by visiting: www.gruvgear.com     

About High School Nation
High School Nation has donated more than $1.5MM in support of public high school music and arts programs in the U.S. since the 2012 inception of the High School Nation national Festival Tour. Providing the most unique way to mesh teens and brands, High School Nation is quickly becoming the go-to organization for reaching the most influential demographic in the country, in an inspiring and life-changing way. To be part of the revolution, contact Jimmy Cantillon or Kevin Cantillon (310) 734-6527 and visit www.highschoolnation.org

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