Shipping Updates During COVID-19 – Gruv Gear | Krane

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Shipping Updates During COVID-19

We are continuing to ship online orders daily. However, we'd like to inform you that some carriers are seeing some delays with their normal delivery times, so please consider these when choosing expedited shipping. We will post updates to this article if any changes occur with shipping expectations.

Monday, Aug 3, 2020:
FedEx announces temporary service adjustments during pandemic:


Wednesday, July 29, 2020:
DHL sets temporary service adjustments for time-definite deliveries:


Wednesday, May 6, 2020: 
USPS is suspending international shipments to certain countries. Please see this official notice if your country is on the list, as we have temporarily disabled them until further notice:


You may check for a local dealer in your area to request the Gruv Gear product you're looking for.

Thursday, April 23, 2020: 
USPS Priority Mail and First Class Package Service two and three-day delivery windows will now be three to four days, respectively. Priority Mail Express and Priority Mail local 1-day delivery windows will not change.


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